If you were to ask..."Danny, what did you do this Sunday?" I would probably upset you by the high concentration of "nerdery" that existed in my life yesterday. I did not hang out with a single human being that I knew personally...unless you count the girl at the McDonald's drive through window who's voice I might date. Instead, my life consisted of going out with my new camera and taking pictures.
If you were to then say "Danny, taking pictures isn't that nerdy?" You would be right...kind of. If I went out and took pictures of Saber Toothed Tigers, and people engaged in Swordfights, then it may be acceptable. I however, did not accomplish this task. I went out to take pictures of Barns...yup...Barns...deal with it. Barns may not interest you, or the other 99.8% of this universe, but I personally (along with numerous horses I spoke with today) think they are cool. So here are the pics from today, I hope to go out and take pictures of more interesting things soon, but for now this will have to do.
Hope I made you feel better about your life.