Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon!!!

For those of you who got excited because you thought this blog is about the new movie featuring werewolves and love stories (anyone without man parts) I apologize, because this blog is not about that.

This is in fact about the actual "new moon" lunar phase.

According to "real life" and the dictionary the definition of a new moon is: The moon either within conjuction with the sun or soon after, being either invisible or visible only as a slender crescent. (see below)

According to "tweens" and every girl on the planet the definition of "New Moon" is: OMG!!! Only like the best movie ever!!!! LOL, Those werewolves are sooooooo HOTT!!! (see below)

The guy pictured in above photo is either one of the worlds largest toolboxes, or an extremely wise ladies man trying to capitalize on the favorable girl/guy ratio at such gatherings. Judging by his face, I vote toolbox.

I frequently take pictures of the moon, because I think it is a pretty amazing thing, also because I have no life, and struggle to find real life women that want to spend more than 12 seconds in a row with me. This is a picture of an almost full moon that I took last winter.

Not too shabby for an amateur. A full moon and a new moon are fairly similar, except they differ by roughly 100%. A new moon essentially is when the moon is completely covered by a shadow. Here is a picture of a new moon.
Notice the lack of detail, colors, texture, and moon in this picture. In regards to entertainment:
Me outside watching a new moon = Stevie Wonder in a theater watching a silent movie...not entertaining. Sooooooo I guess "New Moon" is the perfect title for this movie.

However, if you do want to capitalize on the Girl/Guy ratio that will present itself in the movie theater in hopes of attaining a heavy petting session, or providing a shoulder to cry on while exploring anatomy with your hands...I wish you the best of luck.

Thats all I got.

P.S. Dear (Beautiful) ladies that are reading this, I actually love the Twilight series...I also love pupppies, the Notebook, and Snuggling while watching Gilmore Girls. Feel free to contact me and arrange a Twister party...while we listen to Colbie Caillat of course.

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