Monday, November 9, 2009

Snuggling vs. Cuddling

Snuggling vs. Cuddling

Probably the manliest topic in the history of topics. I felt inclined to address these 2 verbs, and eliminate any confusion. Apparently there are a few differences as well as similarities between these two spectacular activities.

According to here are the definitions of Snuggling and Cuddling, respectively:

Snuggle- to lie or press closely, as for comfort or from affection; nestle. (that sounds nice)

Cuddle- to hold close in an affectionate manner; hug tenderly; FONDLE.

These two definitions seem relatively similar until you hit the land mine at the end of the definition of Cuddling…Fondle!? Oh dear. All this time I had thought I had been executing the art of cuddling, but fondling is typically not involved in my life…by “typically not involved”, I mean never(ish).

Furthermore, America has become more accustomed to Snuggling, due to the recent creation of the “Snuggie” a friend recently told me that Snuggies, are in fact “not snuggly.” Regardless of the Snuggie compromising the integrity of the word, I am still partial to Snuggling instead of Cuddling. When I was little my great grandma gave me a teddybear with multicolored paws, and I named him “Snuggles” because he was, in fact, “Snuggly” and also because the white teddy bear from the fabric softener commercials was named Snuggles.

Now that I have completely diminished any sense of manhood that I had built up in the past 26 years, I ask you to contemplate whether or not you are a Snuggler or a Cuddler. And if you are a cute girl who needs to conduct more research on the issue in some real life situations, feel free to get a hold of me…I’m only here to help.


  1. This is one of the top links that came up when i googled cuddling v. snuggling, so congrats! haha. If you're ever in WI and want to practice with a lil spoon, come find me! Men that actually like to snuggle (and not cuddle and get free grabs) are few and far between =(

    You're blog is very entertaining to read! Good Luck, Road Warrior! Stay safe!

  2. I loved this. My boyfriend and I have this debate all the time.
